Friday, May 29, 2009

Nigerian Supreme Decree No. 1121

HTML and CSS from scratch, the first approach

Armed only with a text editor (Notepad Plus TextWrangler on the Mac and PC are two free software) HTML and CSS approach it. On these two issues have been spent on lessons.


CSS (tutorial)

Happy coding!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

How Long Take Letter Get Honduras

Practice Exam -> Digital video: POETRY IN MOTION

Poetry in motion
find a poem, a story, an important text (you like) and you can read in an interesting way. Must be a text not too long, ideally something that can be read in maximum 30-40 seconds.
Ideal is to choose a text that fits your passion! Think of the choice to move, then something must be animated by words alone ...

Record your reading as audio files, do not use strange effects, music and more. In this exercise, your voice must be the only natural source primary audio. It 'important! no music, special effects and sounds prepackaged.

You can use a camera or a camera that also records audio.
used to record the computer and a program like Audacity, Soundtrack, GarageBand and more.
You can use an external microphone (a small condenser microphone, also a few €) and record directly into FinalCut with "voice over". On the Mac it is necessary to properly configure the audio input from System Preferences> Sound> Input. Should I use headphones as a monitor to hear your voice while you record. Then configure correctly the "exit" in the audio preferences.

Record with Final Cut
Place the insertion point at the beginning of the track and select the "voice over". Voice Over window Tools> Voice Over.

Verify that the Mic input is set. Set the value "rate" at 48kHz, use the value "gain" to properly set the input level. The signal must be able to enter the red zone without stations (over peack). Give a name for your sound clip and press "record" when ready. To stop recording, press "esc". Keep a constant distance between the mouth and the microphone does not affect the tone and level of volume-

Use Photoshop and FinalCut for animations that are organic to speech. You can use drawings, characters, logos, lettering, whole sentences and individual characters.
E 'can use backgrounds, colors, textures (avoid complex backgrounds) but remember that the focus is on the characters!

Download any file from Photoshop Quicktime (open documents as presets DVPAL) following this rule:
File> Export> Render Video ... QuickTime movies, QuickTime Compression Settings: DV / PAL - 720 x 576 @ 25 fps can

create sequences of single frames as Photoshop:
From a multi-file, File> Scripts> Export Layers To Files, you get a folder with the individual frames exported. Use of FinalCut "import folder ".

or save the file and import it as a single-layered Photoshop files into FinalCut, double-click the file in the Timeline to open the editing of individual levels. If you need to make clips independent" make clips independent "and rename them with "item proporties" both accessible by right click on the clip

To determine the duration of individual frames fixed (if necessary) FinalCut> User Preferences> Editing (tab)> Options Duration; Still? Freeze Duration.

Export the animation as DVPAL Quicktime movie: export -> using Quicktime conversion -> DVStream format -> use DVPAL 48kHz

Example (not copy) ~ klm6/3200/3pim.html